Land monitoring and ecosystem services mapping and assessment

Responsabile Dr MICHELE MUNAFÒ
- Istituto Superiore per Protezione e la Ricerca sull'Ambiente -
The importance of spatial analysis on land use and land cover, soil quality and related ecosystem services is emerging as an funding knowledge base for sustainable management of land and natural resources. Techniques based on the use of satellite data and environmental modelling, allow the representation of environmental status, trends and impacts on land with a wide range of indicators, directly usable in environmental analysis. The advance in ecosystem services mapping and assessment allow a representation of the biophysical end economic impact of different land management scenarios, offering a new possibility to integrate the value of natural capital in decision making.
This school provides a state-of-the-art and overview of the different models and techniques of spatial analysis of land use and cover, along with the main issues posed by environmental analysis based on ecosystem services evaluation and by land use planning innovation. The goal is to acquire the theoretical basis and the ability to implement the techniques and models introduced and to use indicators and assessment scheme with a proper interpretation of results.
All the lectures will be introductory and self-contained. They will share a hand-on approach, showing how to use satellite derived data to asses land cover and land use, and different environmental qualities of soil in a GIS environment. The last day will be dedicated to a workshop in which students will have the opportunity to discuss their research projects with the lecturers and the other participants.
La Summer school è interamente finanziata dal MIPAAFT e la partecipazione è GRATUITA.
Per informazioni sui contenuti della Summer School, rivolgersi a:
Prof.ssa Teresa DEL GIUDICE
Gli interessati possono fare domanda di partecipazione mandanto una richiesta a:
Dott.ssa Antonella IANNUZZI