The Sections of the Department include:
Il Direttore del Dipartimento -The Director of the Department:
a) he / she is elected by the Department Council among full-time full professors or, using the conditions established by current legislation, among full-time professors associated with the Department;
b) is appointed by Rectoral Decree and his/her term lasts three years;
c) the nomination is renewable only once.
Director: Professor Matteo Lorito
The Director's Office is located on the first floor of the Royal Palace.
Telephone number: 0812539001
Fax: 0812539380
The Director is elected by the Department Council among full-time professors. It is necessary the presence of the majority of the members of the Council. The election takes place in the first vote by a majority of those entitled to vote; subsequently by the majority of voters. The Director is appointed by the decree of the Rector. The Director, at his request, is entitled to a limitation of the teaching activity.
Il Consiglio di Dipartimento - The Department Council is composed of:
a) professors and researchers belonging to the Department;
b) a secretary with an advisory vote and with a verbalizing function chosen among those belonging to at least category D according to the methods indicated in the University Regulations on the matter;
c) representatives of the students enrolled in the degree courses, master's degrees and research doctorates incardinated in the Department in a number equal to 15% of professors and researchers, according to procedures established by the University Regulations that must provide for at least 1 representative of each course of study and doctorate. These representatives remain in office for two years; the mandate is renewable only once. The procedures for participating in the sessions are set by specific Regulations;
d) representatives of the technical-administrative staff to a maximum of 10% of the members of professors and researchers belonging to the Department. These representatives remain in office for three years; the mandate is renewable only once;
e) a representative of the research grant holders.
La Giunta di Dipartimento - The Departmental Junta supports the Director in the exercise of his functions and has instructive and propositive duties. The Director and the administrative secretary of the Department are part of the Junta, the latter with an advisory vote and with verbalising functions. The members of the Junta remain in office for three years; their mandate is renewable only once.
The Departmental Junta is composed of:
Director: Prof. Matteo Lorito
Secretary: Dr Claudia Pone
Ordinary Professors:
1) Prof. Domenico Carputo AGR / 07
2) Prof. Francesco Villani AGR / 16
3) Prof. Raffele Sacchi AGR / 15
4) Prof. Giovanna Aronne BIO / 03
Associate Professors:
1) Prof. Gerardo Severino AGR / 08
2) Prof. Antonio Di Francia AGR / 18
3) Prof. Boris Basile AGR / 03
4) Prof. Riccardo Spaccini AGR / 13
1) Dr. Maria Manuela Rigano BIO / 04
2) Dr. Roberta Paradiso AGR / 04
3) Dr. Teresa Panico AGR / 01
4) Dr. Salvatore Faugno AGR / 09
Commissione Paritetica - Joint Committee
On 17 October 2014 the Joint Committee was established. It is composed of:
Prof. Paolo Masi (President); Prof. Giancarlo Barbieri; Prof. Olimpia Pepe; Dott. Maria Luisa Chiusano; Dr. Francesco Esposito (PhD student); Mr. Roberto Silvestri; Mr. Leone Ermes Romano; Mr. Francesco Strazzullo.
Commissioni per il Coordinamento Didattico - Didactic Coordination Committee
The Department Council, for each course of study, establishes a Didactic Committee. All professors and researchers belonging to the study course take part in this commission. The Department itself may delegate part of its functions to the same commission in relation to educational activities. If the Department does not set up the Commission, these functions are exercised by the Department Council: all the professors and researchers of the Study Program take part in the Council meetings convened exclusively to exercise the function of coordinating the teaching activities. The procedures for participation are set by the regulation. The Coordinator is identified in accordance with article 45, paragraph 2. The role of coordinator can be exercised by the Director of the Department. The Department Council approves the Study Program of the courses after consulting the Commissions for Didactic Coordination.
Rappresentanti Studenti e Dottorandi - Student and PhD students representatives
Doctoral student representative
Dr. Giorgia Pagliano
Student representatives