PhD-positions in Plant Biotrophic Interactions open

Empowering Curious Researchers

Here you will find the freedom and means to develop a brilliant PhD project. The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) PhD Programme in Life Sciences has been successfully running since 1993, providing students from all over the world with exceptional training. As a student at the VBC PhD Programme you will be supervised by a top scientist and have full access to state-of-the-art facilities, thus giving you an opportunity to launch a successful scientific career. The Vienna Biocenter Campus is extremely dynamic and highly multidisciplinary with research areas ranging from molecules to populations. The VBC PhD Programme is jointly organized by GMI, IMBA, IMP and MFPL; the degree is awarded by the University of Vienna. The VBC programme has established itself as one of the premier programs in biology and life sciences in the heart of Europe.

Here is the link for direct application:

Application deadline is the 15.11.2017
