Dottorati anni precedenti

PhD in Food Science

Concorso di ammissione XXXVIII Ciclo

Concorso di ammissione XXXVIII Ciclo PNRR


PhD inPhD in Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security

Concorso di ammissione XXXVIII Ciclo

Concorso di ammissione XXXVIII Ciclo PNRR


PhD in Food Science (36° ciclo)

Coordinatore: Prof. Danilo Ercolini

Esiti prova orale Posti Ordinari - Results of the oral interview Ordinary positions (36° ciclo). 

Esiti prova orale Posti Riservati - Results of the oral interview Reserved positions (36° ciclo).

1) Valutazione titoli - Posti Ordinari (36° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification - ordinary positions (36° ciclo).

2) Valutazione titoli - Posti Riservati (36° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification - Reserved positions (36° ciclo).

Course work in this area is intended to provide advanced education in specific branches of food science.

The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the field of food science.

Research projects may include different opportunities focusing on (but not limited to) the following possible topics:

  • food technology;
  • food microbiology;
  • food chemistry and biochemistry;
  • food preservation and safety;
  • sensory analysis and consumer science;
  • modelling, design and innovation;
  • nutrition and health;
  • microbiome studies;
  • bio-active compounds;
  • functional foods;
  • genetics and genomics applied to food;
  • food supply chain management and food authenticity;
  • global markets and trades.

The program will have no limits on the type of food commodities and may include any type of food and beverage. Collaborations with industries and other research institutions will constitute the basis for a strong innovative character of the research activities and outcomes.


PhD in Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security (36° ciclo)

Coordinatore: Prof. Albino Maggio

Esiti prova orale Posti NON Riservati - Results of the oral interview NON Reserved positions (36° ciclo). 

Esiti prova orale Posti Riservati - Results of the oral interview Reserved positions (36° ciclo).




Applicants  AIT MANSOUR SOUKAINA, KAMEL MOHAMED ABDALLA MOHAMED, STANCHI ALESSANDRO were erroneously not-admitted to the oral exam (min 8/20).

Since they received the following scores, they are called to take the oral exam on July 7 at 10:00 AM.











The oral exam will take place on Microsoft Teams at the following link:  CLICCA QUI

Per mero errore materiale il candidato Russo Valerio non è stato ammesso alla prova orale. La revisione dei titoli ha permesso di attribuire al candidato il punteggio di 26/40, sufficiente per l'ammissione alla prova orale.

Il candidato Russo Valerio è, pertanto, convocato per sostenere l'esame orale il giorno 3 luglio alle ore 17:30 sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams al seguente link:  CLICCA QUI

1) Valutazione titoli - Posti NON Riservati (36° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification - Non reserved positions  (36° ciclo).

2) Valutazione titoli - Posti Riservati (36° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification - Reserved positions (36° ciclo).

This doctoral program is aimed at preparing qualified scientists for the academy and professional arena working on current and future challenges of agricultural and forestry systems with a focus on global sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and primary productions. In addition to prepare doctoral students to operate in the agricultural and forestry sector following up-to-date technology and sustainability principles, the program will address the global dimension of food security and production, and prepare to operate in the international arena (e.g. international organizations and more).


The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the areas of:

  • Sustainable intensification of agricultural and forestry productions;
  • Agriculture and forestry systems adaptation to climate change and resource constrained environments;
  • Breeding, genetics and genomics for sustainable production systems;
  • Protection and preservation of agricultural and forestry environments;
  • Processes and mechanisms of soil-plant interactions;
  • Industrial and non-food crops, including ornamentals, for remediation and other applications;
  • Soil and water conservation management towards Sustainable Development Goals
  • Management and modelling of wildlife and natural resources
  • Valorization of biomass and organic waste for bioenergy, biochemicals and high-value byproducts
  • Circular economy and future challenges in agriculture and forestry business
  • Economics, policies, market and marketing of agro-food and forestry chains

PhD in Food Science (35° ciclo)

Coordinatore: Prof. Danilo Ercolini

PhD in Food Science (Bando - Call for applicationAllegato- Scadenza: ore 12:00 02/08/2019)

Valutazione titoli e ammessi alla prova orale (35° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification and admission to the oral examination (35° ciclo).

Esiti prova orale - Results of the oral interview (35° ciclo). 

Course work in this area is intended to provide advanced education in specific branches of food science.

The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the field of food science.

Research projects may include different opportunities focusing on (but not limited to) the following possible topics:

  • food technology;
  • food microbiology;
  • food chemistry and biochemistry;
  • food preservation and safety;
  • sensory analysis and consumer science;
  • modelling, design and innovation;
  • nutrition and health;
  • microbiome studies;
  • bio-active compounds;
  • functional foods;
  • genetics and genomics applied to food;
  • food supply chain management and food authenticity;
  • global markets and trades.

The program will have no limits on the type of food commodities and may include any type of food and beverage. Collaborations with industries and other research institutions will constitute the basis for a strong innovative character of the research activities and outcomes. 

PhD in Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security (35° ciclo)

Coordinatore: Prof. Albino Maggio

Valutazione titoli e ammessi alla prova orale (35° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification and admission to the oral examination (35° ciclo).

Esiti prova orale - Results of the oral interview (35° ciclo). 

PhD in Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security 
(Bando - Call for applicationAllegato- Scadenza: ore 12:00 02/08/2019)

This doctoral program is aimed at preparing qualified scientists for the academy and professional arena working on current and future challenges of agricultural and forestry systems with a focus on global sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and primary productions. In addition to prepare doctoral students to operate in the agricultural and forestry sector following up-to-date technology and sustainability principles, the program will address the global dimension of food security and production, and prepare to operate in the international arena (e.g. international organizations and more).


The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the areas of:

  • Sustainable intensification of agricultural and forestry productions;
  • Agriculture and forestry systems adaptation to climate change and resource constrained environments;
  • Breeding, genetics and genomics for sustainable production systems;
  • Protection and preservation of agricultural and forestry environments;
  • Processes and mechanisms of soil-plant interactions;
  • Industrial and non-food crops, including ornamentals, for remediation and other applications;
  • Soil and water conservation management towards Sustainable Development Goals
  • Management and modelling of wildlife and natural resources
  • Valorization of biomass and organic waste for bioenergy, biochemicals and high-value byproducts
  • Circular economy and future challenges in agriculture and forestry business
  • Economics, policies, market and marketing of agro-food and forestry chains

Risultati Dottorato XXXIV ciclo 


PhD in Food Science (Bando - Call for application Allegato- Scadenza: ore 12:00 31/07/2018)

Valutazione titoli e ammessi alla prova orale (34° ciclo)- Results of assessment of qualification and admission to the oral examination (34° ciclo).

Esiti prova orale - Results of the oral interview (34° ciclo). 

Coordinatore: Prof. Danilo Ercolini

Course work in this area is intended to provide advanced education in specific branches of food science.
The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the field of food science.
Research projects may include different opportunities focusing on (but not limited to) the following possible topics:

  • food technology;
  • food microbiology;
  • food chemistry and biochemistry;
  • food preservation and safety;
  • sensory analysis and consumer science;
  • modelling, design and innovation;
  • nutrition and health;
  • microbiome studies;
  • bio-active compounds;
  • functional foods;
  • genetics and genomics applied to food;
  • food supply chain management and food authenticity;
  • global markets and trades.

The program will have no limits on the type of food commodities and may include any type of food and beverage. Collaborations with industries and other research institutions will constitute the basis for a strong innovative character of the research activities and outcomes. 



PhD in Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Systems and Food Security

(Bando - Call for application Allegato- Scadenza: ore 12:00 31/07/2018)

Valutazione titoli e ammessi alla prova orale (34° ciclo).

Esiti prova orale - Results of the oral interview (34° ciclo). 

Coordinatore: Prof. Albino Maggio

This doctoral program is aimed at preparing qualified scientists for the academy and professional arena working on current and future challenges of agricultural and forestry systems with a focus on global sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and primary productions. In addition to prepare doctoral students to operate in the agricultural and forestry sector following up-to-date technology and sustainability principles, the program will address the global dimension of food security and production, and prepare to operate in the international arena (e.g. international organizations and more).


The program provides a variety of research opportunities in the areas of:

  • Sustainable intensification of agricultural and forestry productions;
  • Agriculture and forestry systems adaptation to climate change and resource constrained environments;
  • Breeding, genetics and genomics for sustainable production systems;
  • Protection and preservation of agricultural and forestry environments;
  • Processes and mechanisms of soil-plant interactions;
  • Industrial and non-food crops, including ornamentals, for remediation and other applications;
  • Soil and water conservation management towards Sustainable Development Goals
  • Management and modelling of wildlife and natural resources
  • Valorization of biomass and organic waste for bioenergy, biochemicals and high-value byproducts
  • Circular economy and future challenges in agriculture and forestry business
  • Economics, policies, market and marketing of agro-food and forestry chains


Risultati Dottorato XXXII ciclo 


Posti non riservati


Posti riservati



Dottorato in Scienze agrarie e agroalimentari XXXII ciclo

Dottorato di Ricerca XXXII ciclo - Bando di ammissione Clicca qui (scadenza ore 12.00 del 08/09/2016)

Il corso di dottorato è finalizzato alla formazione di studiosi e ricercatori di elevata qualificazione scientifica che siano in grado di affrontare sia in ambito accademico che professionale le diverse problematiche connesse al moderno sviluppo delle scienze agro-forestali, ambientali e agro-alimentari:
a) sviluppare e proporre attività di ricerca, affrontando i molteplici problemi connessi alla difesa e alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente agrario e forestale, con metodi avanzati per garantire la piena sostenibilità delle attività produttive ad esso connesse;
b)analizzare con impostazione moderna ed aggiornata aspetti peculiari riferibili alla valorizzazione e gestione delle risorse agricole, forestali ed ambientali, attraverso lo studio ed il monitoraggio dei principali processi che le caratterizzano;
c) studiare aspetti, processi e tecnologie innovative per le produzioni agro-alimentari, con particolare riferimento alla trasformazione ed alla sicurezza degli alimenti.
Allo scopo di preparare figure professionali in grado di inserirsi con competenza in ambienti che sviluppano ricerca pubblica e/o privata o in contesti lavorativi che richiedono qualificazioni multidisciplinari, l'attività formativa dei dottorandi ha un marcato carattere interdisciplinare, orientato sia al panorama scientifico internazionale di maggior prestigio, sia ad un forte rapporto con il territorio, guardando alle sue specificità ambientali, produttive, economiche e sociali.

Il candidato al momento della prova orale sarà chiamato ad individuare - nella voce Progetti di Ricerca XXXII ciclo - il progetto di ricerca di proprio interesse per il Dottorato, su cui sarà incentrato anche il colloquio. Il titolo del progetto contiene un link ad una scheda descrittiva dello stesso.

The candidate at the begininning of the oral exam will have to choose one of the research projects (Click here); this will also reflect the topic of his PhD research in case of success. The project title includes the link to a description sheet.

Coordinatore: Prof. Guido D'Urso



Risultati Dottorato XXXI ciclo


Posti non riservati


Posti riservati



Dottorato di Ricerca XXXI ciclo - Bando di ammissione Clicca qui (scadenza 08/09/2015)

Il corso di dottorato è finalizzato alla formazione di studiosi e ricercatori di elevata qualificazione scientifica che siano in grado di affrontare sia in ambito accademico che professionale le diverse problematiche connesse al moderno sviluppo delle scienze agro-forestali, ambientali e agro-alimentari:
a) sviluppare e proporre attività di ricerca, affrontando i molteplici problemi connessi alla difesa e alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente agrario e forestale, con metodi avanzati per garantire la piena sostenibilità delle attività produttive ad esso connesse;
b)analizzare con impostazione moderna ed aggiornata aspetti peculiari riferibili alla valorizzazione e gestione delle risorse agricole, forestali ed ambientali, attraverso lo studio ed il monitoraggio dei principali processi che le caratterizzano;
c) studiare aspetti, processi e tecnologie innovative per le produzioni agro-alimentari, con particolare riferimento alla trasformazione ed alla sicurezza degli alimenti.
Allo scopo di preparare figure professionali in grado di inserirsi con competenza in ambienti che sviluppano ricerca pubblica e/o privata o in contesti lavorativi che richiedono qualificazioni multidisciplinari, l'attività formativa dei dottorandi ha un marcato carattere interdisciplinare, orientato sia al panorama scientifico internazionale di maggior prestigio, sia ad un forte rapporto con il territorio, guardando alle sue specificità ambientali, produttive, economiche e sociali.

 Coordinatore: Prof. Guido D'Urso

L'offerta didattica del Dipartimento elenca anche  il dottorato in Biotecnologie per il quale tutte le indicazioni possono essere reperite al seguente link: Dottorato Biotecnologie